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Moms and Babies
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Home: Who We Are


Your local mom tribe.

International MOMS Club is the first, largest, and fastest growing support group specifically for ALL at-home mothers. Founded in 1983, today there are over 2,000 MOMS Club chapters. Our chapter was founded in 2019 and supports moms who live in North Gilbert.


We plan all sorts of activities for moms and their little ones. These often include tours, craft projects, park playdates, holiday parties and an occasional ever-important mom's night out. 


In addition to mommy and me events, we're focused on giving back to our community. From making handmade Valentines and passing them out at the senior home to purchasing Christmas presents for a local family in need, we love to make people smile all year round. In January we asked all our members to clean out their closets and we collected 22 bags of clothes to donate to House Of Refuge. In February we delivered 70 gift bags to Banner Desert Hospital for local families with little ones in the Neonatal ICU. 


Learn more about International MOMS Club.

Home: Where We Are


Each chapter is built based on geographic boundaries so you can get to know moms with little ones who live in your area. The Gilbert North boundaries, shown on the map, are north of Warner Road, south of Baseline Road, east of the 87, and west of Power Road.


I love that MOMS Club provides the opportunity to build lasting friendships with local mamas. I also love that it gives me the chance to become more involved in giving back to

my community.

Nicole M.


MOMS Club has given me so much confidence - I love it. When I moved from Peoria, I knew I had to get involved in my local chapter. There wasn't one, so I decided to start one myself and we're growing fast!

Kathy A. 
Chapter President


As a work-at-home mom, I struggled to balance socializing my little one and taking care of business. MOMS club has made it so easy! And I've met an awesome group of supportive moms.

Jessica C.

Home: Testimonials


Connect with us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on upcoming events, fundraisers, open houses, service projects, and more.


Here's what a few of our moms have to say about MOMS Club Gilbert North.

Interested in joining? Send us a message!

Thank you! We'll get back to you soon.

Home: Contact

Neither our chapter nor International MOMS Club endorse the advertisements on this site.

“MOMS Club,” the “Mother-To-Mother Fund” and the Mother/Children logo are registered service marks of the International MOMS Club.

©2019 by MOMS Club Gilbert North

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